Jackie turns 24... er I mean 23... or is it 32?

What a night. I had to string together 3 cameras just to piece together the whole story. Here are some excerpts from a drunken email Jackie wrote at 10 am the next morning… yes she was still drunk.
“I got a lot of cake in my face and then I ate it too.”
Jackie and I must have danced on the pole at the Flying Pig at least 4 times… and I’m pretty sure it was voluntarily. Same email, Jackie writes:
“my oroom mates are sleeping and I cna't lslepp, fuck those workds are spelled ewrong. fucking computer, type good ok ma…I may have had a microphone and the dancd flppr. What was I even doing? I definitely had a pole and I was defnitely dancin g on the pole, but i think I lost my new bracelet. it was here, with my arm, but where did it go?”
Also, Jackie took a full-on stage dive. Thank God it was onto Patrick’s back.
This weekend—let’s see if I can keep up with my own birthday celebration. Who knows, maybe I’ll speak in a British accent all night again… I learned all sorts of crude English slang that I’m told I should never repeat.
--Lastly, pictures are updated. I don’t even remember taking so many…
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