Not in Asia anymore

Monday, August 28, 2006

And then there was like a mighty plague

So today, the powers that be decided to fumigate the city's sewers to get rid of the cockroaches that live in them. Rather than resign themselves to a poisoned suffocation, the hordes scampered out of the sewer grates, and it was like squishy. And that's really all there is to say about that.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Tribute: the Taiwanese Turncoats

Who are they? And whom did they betray?
Their names are Jim and Evan. And they have betrayed friendship.

Transitioning out of college is such a defining experience. All of a sudden you become small and adrift, bereft of the constant companionship you’ve been spoiled on. Now you’re only bound loosely through email and spotty phone calls to the people you’ve chosen for your family. The hectic structure of both academic and social deadlines suddenly abandons you, forcing you to learn solitude. Life in the place you left goes on like it did when you were still there, but the thing is, you’re not there anymore. You’re displaced—maybe geographically, but definitely psychologically. Friendship can really never be that easy again.

Before coming to Taiwan, I joked about how living, working and hanging out with the same handful of people all the time (Real World: Taiwan style) could either be really awesome or really disastrous. Fortunately, Jim and Evan—co-habitants of our double unit freshman-dorm- room-esque building—have mostly been awesome. They’ve done this before, and they’ve kept me company in my transition, seamlessly accepting and without request. So the following is a tribute replete with all sorts of pictures and quotes.

PS--I’m in the market for a Sunday crossword companion, an early morning bike riding/waffle eating buddy, and anyone with both seasons of Arrested Development on DVD.

Jim: I’ve seen the inside of Evan’s colon.
Evan: I didn’t mind the anus part.

Jim (who went to Catholic school for 10+ years): Obadiah is not a book in the Bible!
Me: Yea? You wanna bet?
Jim: YES.
-->People who lose, dance on poles

“You’re making me… warm. Back and forth. Forever.”

“You’re going to pull a muscle.”

Our resident guitar-playin’ and croonin’ sensations. Open night mike is horrendous without them. And they could take a scooter gang. Definitely.

Some closing trivia: Jim’s Chinese name is something akin to “Crossword Warrior” and Evan’s Chinese name is misspelled and tattooed on his back. They also both possess admirable roach and spider killing abilities.

Dear friends, you’ll be missed.

Also, if you don’t write or Skype me, I’ll send you angry emails and nasty Hallmark e-cards.